The Marblehead Housing Authority is committed to providing a full range of affordable housing opportunities that are decent, safe, and sanitary to eligible low income elderly, families, and handicapped persons in a fair manner. We strive to make the best use of all available resources so that our residents and participants may live in an environment that is clean, well-maintained and attractive by taking advantage of available government resources. Our goal is to manage our public housing units in a manner that is consistent with good, financially sound property management practices.
We endeavor to instill pride and a desire for an enhanced quality of life for our residents and their families. We are committed to servicing our residents and participants and this entire community in a manner that demonstrates professional courtesy, respect and caring.
We are committed to fair and non-discriminatory practices throughout all of our housing programs and design policies that aim to de-concentrate poverty and provide support to access affordable housing opportunities. The MHA is committed to assisting all residents who are moving from welfare-to-work with affordable housing opportunities that do not act as disincentives to economic advancement.